Using the image browser

The custom "cmview" image browser allows you to view sequences of still images taken using a time-lapse camera.

This browser requires javascript in order to function. Depending on your operating system configuration, you may need to allow your browser to override default security settings. Specifically, if you notice a yellow "blocked ActiveX content" bar in Windows, click and select the "allow blocked content" option.

The "start" and "stop" buttons cause the images to be displayed sequentially at a rate of one frame per second, or to pause the sequential display.

The number of the current frame is displayed above the image. To jump to a specific frame, enter a number in the text field above the image viewport (leading zeroes are not necessary, i.e., you can write "15" instead of "00000015"). Please note that the ENTER key will not work in this form; you must press the GO button after the text field.

The image sequence will loop back to the first frame when it reaches the last image.

Upon display of each image, the following image is prefetched and cached. If your system is slow or your web cache is disabled, there may be a flicker or delay between the display of individual frames.

Advanced use

The image viewer is often embedded in an iframe, but can also be called directly using its full url. The start and end frames for a sequence and the file directory must be set using URL parameters:


For example, the following invocation sets the stream to begin with image 00000215.jpeg and end with image 00000229.jpeg in directory "k1".


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