Source code for egaia.egaia_config

# encoding: utf-8

import os, io, sys
import ConfigParser

# set system defaults
defaults = """### BEGIN DEFAULTS

# The number of processor cores to use in video conversion
cores                           = 1

# If True, will not generate derivatives
no_deriv                        = False

# whether to generate lossless ffv1 versions of videos
# caution: these are extremely large!
ffv1                            = False
debug                           = False

# Commands for binary applications. Normally these paths should be
# inserted automatically by "egaia setup"
cmd_convert                     = 
cmd_montage                     =
cmd_ffmpeg                      = 
cmd_ffprobe                     = 
cmd_mogrify                     = 
cmd_inkscape                    = 
cmd_libreoffice                 = 
cmd_identify                    = 
cmd_wget                        = 
cmd_wkhtmltopdf                 = 
cmd_wkhtmltoimage               = 


archive_name                    = Ethnographic Archive
organization                    = 
user                            = Anonymous
email                           = 

# The URL for the archive, with trailing slash. This will be used as the
# base for absolute hyperlinks.
archive_url                     =

# A prefix for RDF (should not include spaces etc.).
# This prefix will also be used as the archive short-name or acronym
# in the header for HTML output for very small devices
archive_prefix                  = ARCHIVE

# Log of file renames and similar reversible operations
logfile                         = ~/egaia/log.txt

# The default language. This will be used in HTML output.
language                        = en

# Location of a directory for HTML output
pub_path                        = ~/egaia/pub

# Location of the home page. This should be the full path to a docx file,
# which will be converted to HTML by the ``pub --home-page`` command.
home_page                       = ~/egaia/README-en.docx

# Whether or not to include still images from videos in HTML output.
# This is nice to have, but can be overwhelming for FTP transfer and might
# exceed shared web server inode quotas. The PDF version of video stills
# will be exported regardless of this setting.
export_stills                   = false

# Whether to generate html pages using embedded media from remote sites
# (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) when given in the "remote_url" metadata field.
# For offline distribution, set this to False. If this value is True, video
# derivatives will still be copied to the public directory but download links
# will not be created.
remote_embeds                   = true

# When publishing videos to the Internet Archive, we have the option to
# exclude them from the index, making them unlisted. To do so, set this 
# value to "true" in the global or collection-level settings.
ia_noindex                      = false

# The list of default metadata fields that will be included in ALL item
# and collection descriptions. The labels for any terms given here should be
# listed in the [terms] section below, along with any optional fields, which
# will be included in metadata output below the core fields. Note that core
# metadata fields will always be listed for each item, even if empty, whereas
# optional elements will be ignored unless supplied by the user.
core_metadata                   = DCTERMS.identifier, 


# These are the terms and localized / customized labels in use in the 
# archive. The keys may be used as html template variables, in urls, and as 
# keys in json. Caution: changing the label for a term that is already in
# use will break metadata parsing, and may require manual updating in item
# descriptions through a global find-and-replace.
# Note that the keys are case-sensitive, but labels may be converted to
# title case or lowercase by the application depending on the context.
DCTERMS.abstract                = abstract 
DCTERMS.accessRights            = access rights 
DCTERMS.accrualMethod           = accrual method
DCTERMS.accrualPeriodicity      = accrual periodicity
DCTERMS.accrualPolicy           = accrual policy
DCTERMS.alternative             = alternative
DCTERMS.audience                = audience
DCTERMS.available               = available
DCTERMS.bibliographicCitation   = bibliographic citation
DCTERMS.conformsTo              = conforms to
DCTERMS.contributor             = contributor
DCTERMS.coverage                = coverage
DCTERMS.created                 = created
DCTERMS.creator                 = creator                    = date
DCTERMS.dateAccepted            = date accepted
DCTERMS.dateCopyrighted         = date copyrighted
DCTERMS.dateSubmitted           = date submitted
DCTERMS.description             = description
DCTERMS.educationLevel          = education level
DCTERMS.extent                  = extent
DCTERMS.format                  = format
DCTERMS.hasFormat               = has format
DCTERMS.hasPart                 = has part
DCTERMS.hasVersion              = has version
DCTERMS.identifier              = identifier
DCTERMS.instructionalMethod     = instructional method
DCTERMS.isFormatOf              = is format of
DCTERMS.isPartOf                = is part of
DCTERMS.isReferencedBy          = is referenced by
DCTERMS.isReplacedBy            = is replaced by
DCTERMS.isRequiredBy            = is required by
DCTERMS.issued                  = issued
DCTERMS.isVersionOf             = is version of
DCTERMS.language                = language
DCTERMS.license                 = license
DCTERMS.mediator                = mediator
DCTERMS.medium                  = medium
DCTERMS.modified                = modified
DCTERMS.provenance              = provenance
DCTERMS.publisher               = publisher
DCTERMS.references              = references
DCTERMS.relation                = relation
DCTERMS.replaces                = replaces
DCTERMS.requires                = requires
DCTERMS.rights                  = rights
DCTERMS.rightsHolder            = rights holder
DCTERMS.source                  = source
DCTERMS.spatial                 = spatial
DCTERMS.subject                 = subject
DCTERMS.tableOfContents         = table of contents
DCTERMS.temporal                = temporal
DCTERMS.title                   = title
DCTERMS.type                    = type
DCTERMS.valid                   = valid

# The original filename, as set by egaia on ingestion
original_filename               = original filename

# Field designating a URL that represents a version of the resource that can
# be embedded in an iframe, such as a video
remote_embed_url                = remote embed url

# The parent collection UUID; normally set automatically by egaia
collection                      = collection

# A shortcut; this designates the filename for an html document in the
# root directory that redirects to the current item
alias                           = alias


# URIs for metadata terms in RDF output
DCTERMS                         =


# Variables used in html templates. These are included here in order to
# enable end-user localization or extension.
toggle                          = Toggle navigation
Home                            = Home
Collections                     = Collections
All_items                       = All items
Keywords                        = Keywords
Subject                         = Subject
Coverage_area                   = Coverage area
Media_type                      = Media type
Creator                         = Creator
Language                        = Language
Items                           = Items
About                           = About
generator                       = Generated by 
                                  <a href="">
last_updated                    = Last updated:
collection                      = collection
Metadata                        = Metadata
files                           = files
keyword_index                   = keyword index
index                           = index
language_index                  = language index
creator_index                   = creator index
subject_index                   = subject index
type_index                      = type index
coverage_index                  = coverage index
source                          = source


usr_cfg = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.config', 'egaia', 'shared.cfg'))
local_cfg = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join('~', '.config', 'egaia', 'local.cfg'))

[docs]def init(path): dirname = os.path.dirname(path) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname)
[docs]def loadConfig(): """Load configuration values, and return a ConfigParser object.""" import egaia_root config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) # allow case-sensitive keys, needed for DCTERMS URIs config.optionxform = str # load system defaults config.readfp(io.BytesIO(defaults)) # load any available config files p =[usr_cfg, local_cfg]) return config
[docs]def getConfig(section, key, boolean=False): """Get the value of a particular configuration setting""" config = loadConfig() if boolean: try: return config.getboolean(section, key) except ValueError: print "Not a boolean value for %s.%s" % (section, key) return False return config.get(section, key)
[docs]def setConfig(cfg_path, section, key, value): """Set the value of a particular configuration setting""" config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) # allow case-sensitive keys, needed for DCTERMS URIs config.optionxform = str config.set(section, key, value) with open(cfg_path, 'wb') as cfg_file: config.write(cfg_file)
[docs]def printConfig(section=None): """Print a list containing configuration values""" config = loadConfig() if section: items = config.items(section) else: items = config.items('system') + config.items('archive') return items
[docs]def dumpConfig(cfg_path): """Write the currently set configuration values to the file located at cfg_path. """ if os.path.exists(cfg_path): print "The file %s already exists!" % cfg_path return config = loadConfig() try: with open(cfg_path, 'w') as cfg_file: config.write(cfg_file) print "Current values written to %s." % cfg_path except: print "Unable to write to %s!" % cfg_path return
[docs]def updateConfig(cfg_path, section='archive'): """Update the specified configuration file located at cfg_path, providing a user prompt with the key and output prefilled with the current value. """ import utils config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) # allow case-sensitive keys, needed for DCTERMS URIs config.optionxform = str for key, value in config.items(section): # join continuation lines values = ' '.join(x.strip() for x in value.splitlines()) value2 = utils.rlinput('%s: ' % key, prefill=values) config.set(section, key, value2) with open(cfg_path, 'wb') as cfg_file: config.write(cfg_file)
def _cli(args): """egaia config Set, print, or edit variables in configuration files. Usage: egaia config --help egaia config --defaults egaia config --new [ --path=FILE ] egaia config --update [ --section=SECTION ] [ --path=FILE ] egaia config --get [ --section=SECTION ] [ --key=KEY ] egaia config --set=KEY:VALUE... [ --section=SECTION ] [ --path=FILE ] """ if args['--defaults']: print defaults exit() # Use the default user config file unless specified otherwise if not args['--path']: args['--path'] = usr_cfg init(args['--path']) if not args['--section']: args['--section'] = 'archive' if args['--new']: dumpConfig(args['--path']) return elif args['--update']: updateConfig(args['--path'], section=args['--section']) return elif args['--set']: for i in args['--set']: key, value = i.split(':', 1) setConfig(args['--path'], section=args['--section'], key=key, value=value) return elif args['--get']: if args['--key']: print getConfig(section=args['--section'], key=args['--key']) return items = printConfig(section=args['--section']) for item in items: print item[0], '=', item[1] return